Laura Story's husband, Martin, was diagnosed with a brain tumor early in their marriage. In a moment their life plans changed drastically. After wondering about their ability to be parents and a struggle with infertility, Laura gave birth to three children, including twin boys, in three years' time. Then a sonogram at thirty-seven weeks revealed an unexpected issue with their fourth child.
No life is without trouble, but when you face one challenging situation after another, your days can begin to feel desperately hopeless. But for God....who truly uses all things for our good, every circumstance can become a perfect opportunity to demonstrate how much we can trust him. The very act of completely surrendering our will to His can become the one act that will change your life forever.
In I Give Up, Laura uses her story why surrender to God is important and how we can go about doing it. She shares how surrendering expectations is not a step-by-step process but a willful decision to wait on God trusting that He and His word are true.
In this five-session study (study guide sol separately) she explains: why surrender is a good thing, what we surrender exactly, who we surrender to, how we surrender, how our surrender affects the live of others, and what we gain when we let go.
Session times are: What Is Surrender Anyway? - 18:44, God's Character Matters - 13:44, Giving In and Up - 10:22, Being Transformed - 11:48, The Ripple Effect of Surrender - 14:33.
Though surrender sometimes files in the face of our instincts, hopes, and dreams, it's never without benefit. A surrendered life includes the surprise of a truly full and satisfying existence where trust is reasonable, reconciliation is possible, and relationships can heal.
Designed for use with the I Give Up Study Guide (sold Separately).