A comprehensive and contemporary statement of classic Reformed faith
A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith expresses a fully biblical Reformed faith, showing its enduring appeal, coherence, and truthfulness. This standard of Reformed theology is saturated with Scripture, performing more exegesis and quoting more Scripture than other one-volume theologies and always encouraging the reader to measure theological assertions by the ultimate standard of Scripture itself. The result is theology that is God-centered.
Other important features include:
- A truly systematic theology: comprehensive--covering all the main teachings of Scripture; coherent--showing how these teachings interrelate; contextual--relating biblical teachings to current issues; and conversational--engaging biblical, historical, and contemporary points of view
- Distinctively biblical perspectives on matters such as a presuppositional approaches to Scripture, the use of traditional arguments for God's existence, the description and classification of God's attributes, the view of the Trinity freed from medieval embellishments; and much more
- Upholds classic Calvinist positions on baptism, the Trinity, church government, and much more
- Interacts with contemporary issues, the work of other theologians, and important contemporary theological documents, including Catechism of the Catholic Church and "Evangelicals and Catholics Together"
- Terms from biblical languages appear in Hebrew or Greek and in transliteration, allowing English-only readers full access.
- Numerous appendices covering special topics
- Abundant resources for further study through footnotes, and a carefully compiled theological bibliography
- The book captures the author's warmth and sensitivity born of more than twenty-five years as a professor at leading Reformed seminaries
Theology students, preachers, teachers, and professional theologians alike will benefit from A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith, finding it to be a rich resource for study and reference as they seek to understand and communicate about God and his ways.