What does a real relationship with God look like? What does the biblical vision of true spiritual life look like? How do we grow in spiritual maturity? How we answer these questions influence the health, potency, and witness of Christians in an increasingly complex and hostile world.
The Conformed to His Image Video Lectures, together with the Conformed to His Image Study Guide, answers these questions with clarity and insight, offering a comprehensive, balanced, and applicable guide to spiritual growth. It offers corrective to our tendency to pick and compartmentalize spiritual growth by exploring twelve facets of authentic Christian spirituality including:
- Relational Spirituality Loving God Completely, Ourselves Correctly, and Other Compassionately
- Paradigm Spirituality Cultivating an Eternal versus a Temporal Perspective
- Disciplined Spirituality Engaging in the Historical Disciplines
- Exchanged Life Spirituality Grasping Our True Identity in Christ
- Motivated Spirituality A Set of Biblical Incentives
- Devotional Spirituality Falling in Love with God
- Holistic Spirituality Every Component of Life under the Lordship of Christ
- Process Spirituality Process versus Product, Being versus Doing
- Spirit-Filled Spirituality Walking in the Power of the Spirit
- Warfare Spirituality The World, the Flesh, and the Devil
- Nurturing Spirituality A Lifestyle of Evangelism and Discipleship
- Corporate Spirituality Encouragement, Accountability, and Worship
Pointing the way to an integrative, whole-life approach, Dr. Ken Boa shows how each spiritual paradigm discussed is just one important facet in the gem of authentic and powerful New Testament living. Conformed to His Image Video Lectures is a defining series for anyone who desires to follow Christ more closely.
Session Titles and Runtimes:
1 - Introduction: A Gem with Many Facets (14 min)
2- Relational Spirituality: Loving God Completely (11 min)
3 - Relational Spirituality: Loving Ourselves Correctly (11 min)
4 - Relational Spirituality: Loving Others Compassionately (11 min)
5 - Paradigm Spirituality: Life Is a Journey, but Where Are We Going? (13 min)
6 - Paradigm Spirituality: Can We Trust God? (14 min)
7 - Disciplined Spirituality: Dependence and Discipline (14 min)
8 - Disciplined Spirituality: What Are the Spiritual Disciplines? (14 min)
9 - Exchanged Life Spirituality: Grasping Our True Identity in Christ (13 min)
10 - Exchanged Life Spirituality: God's Plan to Meet Our Needs (14 min)
11 - Motivated Spirituality: Why Do We Do What We Do? (13 min)
12 - Motivated Spirituality: Love, Gratitude, and Rewards (12 min)
13 - Motivated Spirituality: Identity, Purpose and Hope, and Longing for God (13 min)
14 - Devotional Spirituality: Our Image of God (15 min)
15 - Devotional Spirituality: The Contemplative Way (15 min)
16 - Devotional Spirituality: The Practice of Sacred Reading (15 min)
17 - Devotional Spirituality: Growing in Love with God (15 min)
18 - Holistic Spirituality: The Centrality of Christ (15 min)
19 - Holistic Spirituality: An Integrated Life (14 min)
20 - Holistic Spirituality: Relationships, Work, and Society (16 min)
21 - Holistic Spirituality: Stewardship and Purpose (15 min)
22 - Process Spirituality: Process versus Product (15 min)
23 - Process Spirituality: Being versus Doing (15 min)
24 - Process Spirituality: Trust, Gratitude, and Contentment (15 min)
25 - Spirit-Filled Spirituality: Walking in the Power of the Spirit (14 min)
26 - Spirit-Filled Spirituality: The Gifts of the Spirit (16 min)
27 - Spirit-Filled Spirituality: Openness and Discernment: A Balance (11 min)
28 - Warfare Spirituality: Warfare with the Flesh and the World (19 min)
29 - Warfare Spirituality: Warfare with the Devil and His Angels (17 min)
30 - Warfare Spirituality: The Weapons of Our Warfare (16 min)
31 - Nurturing Spirituality: A Philosophy of Discipleship (15 min)
32 - Nurturing Spirituality: The Process, Product, and Context of Discipleship (11 min)
33 - Nurturing Spirituality: A Philosophy of Evangelism (12 min)
34 - Nurturing Spirituality: Overcoming the Barriers to Evangelism (15 min)
35 - Corporate Spirituality: The Need for Community (11 min)
36 - Corporate Spirituality: The Nature and Purpose of the Church (15 min)
37 - Corporate Spirituality: Soul Care, Leadership, Accountability, and Renewal (14 min)
38 - Moving Forward: The Need for Diversity (13 min)
39 - Looking Back: The Richness of Our Heritage (9 min)
40 - Continuing on the Journey: What It Takes to Finish Well (14 min)