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Discussing Mere Christianity Study Guide with DVD

Exploring the History, Meaning, and Relevance of C.S. Lewis's Greatest Book
Product Description

In this eight-session video group study, you will discover why Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis is one of the most read and beloved Christian books of all time. But seventy years later from when it was first delivered on radio, what relevance does it have to our world today? Host Eric Metaxas and a variety of Christian leaders-including Philip Yancey, Alister McGrath, Devin Brown, Paul McCusker, Douglas Gresham, and others-help us understand the timeless message of C. S. Lewis in fresh ways for a new generation.

The first purpose of this video study is to explore the positive ideas that C.S. Lewis has so eloquently written about in Mere Christianity for those who already call themselves Christian. The second purpose is to explain in an engaging, winsome and non-threatening way the basic tenets of the Christian faith as illustrated by C.S. Lewis to those who do not claim to be Christian. This study aims to fulfill the vision of C.S. Lewis of reaching people from all faith backgrounds.

Sessions include:

  1. Our Sense of Right and Wrong (22:00)
  2. What's Behind Our Sense of Right and Wrong (20:00)
  3. The Rival Conceptions of God (19:00)
  4. Free Will and the Shocking Alternative ( 22:00)
  5. Christian Behavior and the Great Sin of Pride (21:00)
  6. The Christian Virtue of Hope (20:00)
  7. God in Three Persons ( 22:00)
  8. Counting the Cost (25:00)

This pack contains one study guide and one DVD.

  • Additional Details
  • Kit components
    The following items and their quantities are included in the kit product: Discussing Mere Christianity Study Guide with DVD

    Quantity Included ItemFormatSKUIndividual Price
  • Additional Details
    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9780310699873
    • Manufacturer: Zondervan
    • ISBN 13: 9780310699873
    • Strategic Partners: Episcopal
    • Component: Study Guide
    • Component: DVD
    • Language of Text: English
    • Publication Date: 07/14/2015
    • Format: Book with CD/DVD Insert
    • Author: Devin Brown
    • Page Count: 1
    • Number of Lessons: 8
    • Width: 4.92 inches
    • Height: 0.66 inches
    • Length: 7.99 inches
    • Weight: 0.03 pounds

    Shipping & Returns
    This item is available for return. At Cokesbury, we offer various expedited shipping methods for an additional charge during checkout. However, products with long lead times and those shipped from a Cokesbury Connect Partner are not eligible for expedited shipping. If you select expedited shipping at checkout and your order includes items that cannot be expedited, you will receive a notice explaining that not all items are eligible.