What difference does worship make to the way we live? How can the things we do and say in Church impact our lives and shape the decisions we make on a daily basis? What kind of life is implied for people who believe the things that Christians believe? "Faithful Living" attempts to think through these questions and considers the formational impact worship can have on Christian ethics, and therefore on the lives of Christian disciples.
Focusing on one of the Church's liturgical practises, reciting the Nicene Creed, the book offers an ethical commentary on the Creed's key ideas and themes, challenging Christians from all traditions to think through their faith in order to live faith-fully before God. Each chapter addresses one clause from the Creed, attending to its theology before turning to the ethical implications associated with it. Topics covered include: community, identity, stewardship, disability, political responsibility, life and death, hope, spirituality, justice, and renewal. The book concludes with a chapter on the importance of theology and worship for Christian ethical reasoning and a challenge for local churches to help their congregations to put our common faith into practise.