In this compelling and hope-filled book, Erik Kolbell shows us that in the Passion of Jesus we hear the story of one person but the echoes of many. Though we read the story to find out who Jesus was, it is in the reading of the other characters who were present, from the disciples who followed him to the high priests who spoke falsely about him, that we can discover much about ourselves.
Kolbell explores how each person or group responded differently to Jesus’s predictment, and shows us how their different responses represent the great range of human responses also available to us. We can, he shows us, find ourselves reflected in each of these characters, so that it is in Thomas’ doubts, Mary’s courage, and Peter’s denial that we find out who we are. As we read these stories of scoundrels and saints and consider how they endured the Passion, Kolbell believes we will discover intimations of our own lives, our own stories, and our own manner of shouldering the great burdens that our faith asks us to make.
The characters and groups discussed include Peter, the slave whose ear is severed, Judas, the woman who anointed him, Pilate, Herod, the crowds, Simon of Cyrene, the centurion, the women who look on from afar, Joseph of Arimethea, Cleopas, Thomas, and Mary.