Welcome to Your Place in a Worldview MinorityIn an increasingly secular society, your biblical worldview now places you in a shrinking minority at odds with the dominant culture. Your desire to be faithful to God's Word will be met with increasing pressures on what you believe, how you think, and how you live out your faith--yet it's also a unique cultural moment in which opportunities abound to shine Christ's light into a darkened world.
Faithfully Different will help you regain biblical clarity in the haze of today's secularism so you can live out your faith with conviction, discernment, and courage. This book will enable you to...
- identify and respond biblically to secular pressures that are commonly challenging Bible-believing Christians
- recommit yourself to living out God's Word while learning to engage graciously with a world that rejects and resents biblical truth
- defend your heart from the world's misguided influences and live as a positive witness for the Lord
When your identity is in Jesus, there's no doubt you'll look different than the world, and there's no doubt it will often be hard. But the payoff for faithful endurance will be everlasting.
Faithfully Different will give you the wisdom and encouragement you need to believe, think, and live biblically no matter what today's shifting society upholds as truth.