God places people in your life that need His saving word. These people can be anyone from your closest relatives to the barista at your favorite café. God wants all of his creation to know Him, so shouldn't you be prepared to witness to all people, at all times, no matter the circumstances?
Faith That Engages the Culture is the perfect guidebook to learning what it takes to witness effectively in today's world. Using the points of an engagement triangle, you will easily and quickly learn how to witness to others efficiently. With the three touch points of person, place, and perspective, your efforts of sharing the Gospel will go further as you're able to adapt to the culture.
This book also includes helpful ways to engage with the culture on common topics such as science, politics, depression, sexuality, personhood, and more. You can see where others have struggled to get God's Word around these societally difficult parts of the culture, and how you can break past the barrier and connect with people on a personal level.
This handbook is made for every Christian, no matter if you've had experience witnessing or are brand new to the idea. Every chapter is grounded in Lutheranism and God's Word, pulling from Scripture, the Small Catechism, and the Lutheran Confessions.