You want to help -- a church member faces a terminal illness, good friends of yours just lost their child, a member of your group is struggling with an addiction, the death of a child, divorce, addiction, terminal illness--but you feel unsure how to help.
Prepare yourself with practical ways to love others through their greatest challenges. People face difficult, painful stuff in life--and they shouldn't struggle alone. But what do you say? How do you help? What if you make things worse?
This rapid-response handbook gives you and your small group the confidence to share God's love and comfort with hurting friends.
You will be prepared to respond with 12 chapters focused on twelve emergencies that people you care for may encounter.
Each chapter includes:
- Real Life Narrative -Learn from someone who has been there
- Care and Counseling Tips -Practical ideas to personally reach out in love
- Tips for your entire small group -Great ways your group can offer support
- What to say and What not to say -Positive encouragement to help the hurting, and advice on what not to say
You'll also find Scripture connections, guidelines for referring your friend to a professional counselor, additional resources, and ways your group can stand by your friend in need.