The Kids' Travel Guide series takes children from kindergarten through 5th grade on life-impacting explorations that engage them with activities, stories, prayer, and much more. Each of the seven themed Kids' Travel Guides includes 13 imaginative, interactive Bible lessons. Lead your Sunday school or midweek program on a travel adventure packed with fun activities, creative options, and take-home pages that kids tuck into their very own travel journals.
Parables are powerful tools for teaching, and Jesus knew this. Conveying the meanings of biblical parables to young people today can be difficult, but
Kids' Travel Guide to the Parables makes it easy. Bring Kindergarten to 5th Grade students on this 13-week journey through Jesus' parables, including lessons on yeast, the sower, lost sheep, a mustard seed, the unmerciful servant, the good Samaritan and more.
Additional Features include:
- Tour Guide Tips: Ideas teachers can use to adapt the lesson for different ages.
- Items to Pack: Supplies and props for the journey.
- Scenic Routes: to give you more creative options for kids.
- Fun Facts: Jokes and interesting tidbits related to the lesson.
- Reproducible Handouts: Games, and journal "souvenirs."
Kids' Travel Guide Series includes:
- Kids' Travel Guide to the Beatitudes (9781470704230)
- Kids' Travel Guide to the Lord's Prayer (9780764425240)
- Kids' Travel Guide to the 10 Commandments (9780764422249)
- Kids' Travel Guide to the Parables (9780764470134)
- Kids' Travel Guide to the 23rd Psalm (9780764440052)
- Kids' Travel Guide to the Fruit of the Spirit (9780764423901)
- Kids' Travel Guide to the Armor of God (9780764426957)