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El Regalo de la Oración

Product Description

Quieres una relaci n m s profunda con Dios, percibir su presencia, sentir su gu a y aprender sus caminos? En El regalo de la oraci n, el doctor Charles Stanley, el pastor de confianza y el autor best seller, explica que la oraci n nos lleva a la sala del trono de Dios, donde encontramos un Dios personal, amoroso y santo que est ansioso por compartirse a s mismo con nosotros.

La oraci n no es m gica; no se trata de decir una serie de palabras correctamente o usar la f rmula correcta para que Dios se mueva a nuestro favor. En cambio, se trata de comunicarse a nivel de coraz n con el Se or del universo. En El regalo de la oraci n, el doctor Charles Stanley comparte su sabidur a sobre el poder transformador de la oraci n en la vida.

En este hermoso libro, el doctor Stanley explora preguntas como:

- Cu les son los beneficios de la oraci n?

- Por qu la respuesta a la oraci n a veces es no?

- Por qu debo orar?

Perfecto para los nuevos creyentes y los cristianos m s experimentados, El regalo de la oraci n es para cualquiera que tenga hambre de escuchar a Dios y ser cambiado a trav s de una relaci n cercana y personal con l.

The Gift of Prayer

Do you want to have a deeper relationship with God, perceive his presence, feel his guidance and learn his ways? In The Gift of Prayer, Dr. Charles Stanley, the trusted pastor and best-selling author, explains that prayer takes us into God's throne room, where we find a personal, loving, and holy God who is eager to share himself with us.

Prayer is not magic; it is not about saying a series of words correctly or using the right formula to get God to move in our favor. Instead, it is about communicating on a heart level with the Lord of the universe. In The Gift of Prayer, Dr. Charles Stanley shares his wisdom about the transformative power of prayer in life.

In this beautiful book, Dr. Stanley explores questions such as

  • What are the benefits of prayer?
  • Why is the answer to prayer sometimes no?
  • Why should I pray?

Perfect for new believers and more experienced Christians, The Gift of Prayer is for anyone who is hungry to hear God and be changed through a close, personal relationship with Him.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9780829746334
    • Manufacturer: Vida Publ
    • ISBN 13: 9780829746334
    • Publication Date: 10/06/2020
    • Format: Hardcover
    • Author: Charles F. Stanley

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