Informed by sociology, psychology, and theology, this updated edition of an established textbook investigates how human sexuality originates both biologically and socially. Laying the groundwork for a normative Christian interpretation of sexuality, this work explores what authentic sexuality looks like as well as forms of "inauthentic sexuality" such as sexual harassment, pornography, and rape.
Table of Contents:
Part 1: The Formation of Sexuality
1. Authentic Sexuality: God's Good Gift
2. Human Sexuality: A Sociocultural Context
3. Human Sexuality: An Interactive Developmental Model
4. Sexual Minority Identity Formation
5. LGBTQ: Christian Responses
Part 2: Authentic Sexuality
6. Authentic Sexuality in Relationship
7. Sexuality and Singleness
8. Cohabitation: Pathway Toward/Alternative to Marriage
9. Marital Sexuality: Maximizing Sexual Fulfillment
Part 3: Inauthentic Sexuality
10. Sexual Infidelity: A Broken Covenant
11. Sexual Harassment: Uninvited Eroticization
12. Sexual Abuse: Violation Deep Within the Soul
13. Rape and Sexual Violence: Abusive Power
14. Pornography and Erotica
15. Sexual Addiction/Compulsion/Hypersexuality
Part 4: Conclusion
16. The Sexually Authentic Society