The phrase 'thin place' comes from Celtic Christianity and is used to describe locations where heaven and earth are thinly separated. Thin Places expands on this idea and offers a much needed curriculum for people- both within and outside of the institutional church - to initiate missional community and practice. The book is broken into six sections (postures) that will serve as a how-to-guide for individuals and communities seeking to live more like Christ in their neighborhoods. Here are the six steps (postures) and the desired outcomes. Listening: We desire to be attuned to God, to self and to our neighborhood.Submerging: We desire to embody Jesus in our neighborhood while participating in an apprenticing community.Inviting: We desire to grasp the depth of God's invitation to Kingdom life, become more inviting and invited people, while welcoming our neighbors into God's redemptive story.Contending: We desire to confront the things that hinder the full expression of the Kingdom of God, both spiritual and natural, in our community, among our friends and neighbors, and in our city.Imagining: We desire to discern God's call on our lives and help shape transformational faith communities. Entrusting: We desire to entrust people to God and to others, celebrate our deeper understanding of God's call on our lives and lean confidently into our future.