“Why can’t we change The Walk to Emmaus program or model to fit our circumstances?” “Why can’t I sign my name to an agape letter?” Since the beginning of The Walk to Emmaus in 1978 and Chrysalis in 1984, The Upper Room has received questions like these, plus many others.
Your Questions Answered answers the most frequently asked questions about Emmaus and Chrysalis. It explains how the events are structured and the rationale behind the guidelines for each program.
In this book you will find:
- why it’s so important to adhere to The Upper Room model for Emmaus and Chrysalis
- how the concept of anonymous servanthood originated
- why separate Walks are held for men and women and why both spouses (if pilgrims are married) are required to attend
- what good sponsorship is
- how teams are chosen for each Emmaus/Chrysalis three-day event
- why persons serving in support roles do not attend team planning meetings before or during the event
- an explanation of the Candlelight service
- why most team members don’t wear Emmaus or Chrysalis crosses during the three days
- tips for effective follow-up to an Emmaus or Chrysalis event