What does it mean for a Christian to work? What is meant in the Christian tradition by calling and vocation? Gregory Clapper’s book, Living Your Heart’s Desire: God’s Call and Your Vocation, helps people, of any age, who are struggling to put their faith and their work together in powerful and meaningful ways. It helps clarify what it means to have a calling from God and what it means to live that out.
Rather than focusing on some formula on how to arrive at the “job you were created for,” Clapper maintains that it is more helpful to have a firm grasp of the theological understanding of work, calling, and human freedom. His book looks at the very idea of work and shows why Christians should embrace a variety of visions of what it means for a Christian to work. He maintains that God’s call is much more profound than any question that relates narrowly to career counseling. By helping the reader see some of the key features of the Christian truth of God’s call, this book can help people lead fulfilled and joyful Christian lives, regardless of how they make money.
Written in very accessible language, contemporary works of film are used throughout the book to illustrate the key points.