Prayer is a staple of a vital faith that needs nurturing as individuals practice their faith in everyday life. The interconnectedness of prayer and life became abundantly clear when author Paul Chilcote discovered the journals of Elizabeth Rhodes, an early Wesley follower, and how she transformed in her spiritual disciplines by committing to memory a prayer that become an unusual blessing. Rhodes prayed for a “waking spirit, and a diligent soul” and in doing so realized that practicing prayerful life was practicing a Christ filled life.
Creating a basic pattern for prayer in daily life, Chilcote examines Rhodes prayer and leads spiritual enthusiast in a discovery of an intimate connection with God. Broken down into fifty-two readings, the book includes a biblical text, a brief meditation, Charles Wesley hymn selections, and a prayer for each reading. This devotional resource can be used weekly, daily, or as prayer aid during the seasons of preparation of Lent or Advent for both personal and corporate prayer practices.