Webster Dictionary defines mission as a specific task with which a person or group is charged. Richter views mission as an experience which widens an individual or groups experience to be enlighten in their Christian faith. It is through our faith we are able to venture forth into the world and fully embrace an embodied life of Christ. This book is not a checklist for budgets, meals, or fundraising, rather it is a text to prepare the heart of leaders as they prepare to lead others through transformational mission experience. Richter pays particular attention to Christian practices that can be nurtured as a result of service projects and mission trips.
From the
Circuit Rider review: "Don Richter, a Presbyterian minister and associate director of the Valparaiso Project on the Education and Formation of People of Faith, was founding director of the Youth Theology Institute at Candler School of Theology. He has taught Christian education, co-edited
Way to Live: Christian Practices for Teens, and led many mission trips. His rich collection of experience comes together in this book exploring mission trips as a crucible for Christian formation."
(Click here to read the entire review.)