How to redirect the culture of your church outwards and get over the barriers that hold so many churches back
We like to think of our churches as welcoming. Michael Harvey, an expert on unlocking the growth God wants to give to the church, asks, "How welcoming can we be if we don't take our welcome outside with the gift of an invitation?" God sent His Son to invite us all into a relationship, and so to be like God is to be a person who invites.
During the decade that he has been developing Back to Church Sunday, Michael Harvey has conducted an extensive study on the seemingly simple subject of "invitation." Over 650 times in twelve countries he has asked: "Why don't we invite our friends to take a closer look at Christ?"
Exploring the subjects of rejection and acceptance, he examines where we have gone wrong. Reviewing best practice--ideas gleaned from trying to establish a culture of invitation--he considers what we might do to address the situation and put it right.