Theodor Herzl, founder of the modern State of Israel, said concerning the formation of a Jewish national homeland, If you will it, it is no dream. Indeed, Israel is no dream; it is the realization of the collective will of a war-scarred nation divinely preserved throughout history.It Is No Dream scans the entire biblical prophetic program for Israel, documenting the historical events that illustrate the outworking of the divine program for the Jewish people. Its purpose is threefold: (1) to give Christians insight into the Jewish people; (2) to show the indisputable miracle of Israel; and (3) to help Jewish readers differentiate between those who wear a mask of Christianity and heap scorn, ridicule, and persecution upon them, and true believers, who seek to emulate the genuine spirit of Christ toward the Chosen People of God. To Jew and Gentile alike, It Is No Dream tells of the faithfulness of Jehovah in delivering all the irrevocable promises to Abraham and his seed.Israel's past history, present reality, and prophetic destiny touch all peoples and are lofty themes concerning which the Bible has much to say. At no time in the past 3,500 years has the prophetic Word been more contemporary than at this present hour.