Prayer is the key to the heart of God that unlocks the door to all the resources of heaven. It enables us to tap into a supernatural power source when human effort is insufficient. The simple act of talking to God is our main method of establishing and maintaining a vibrant relationship with our Maker. Prayer is the most important, and probably the most neglected, activity of the Christian and the church.
Prayer should not just be a crutch in a crisis, but a consistent lifestyle-our spiritual life support system. When the Bible urges us to "pray without ceasing", it is more than just a daily discipline or spiritual duty, it involves an open-ended and ongoing conversation between you and God.
What is prayer? - Making prayer a priority
The proper pattern for prayer (The Lord's Prayer)
Pointers on how to pray effectively o Learning to pray with persistence
Realizing and releasing the power of prayer
10 specific reasons for unanswered prayer
Promises to those who pray
Reignite your passion for praying. History proves that God moves when His people pray Rediscover how your prayers can make a profound difference- "The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." (James 5:16)"