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Gifts and Gratitudes

A Year of One Thousand Gifts
Product Description

Discover the joy and well-being that comes with the daily expression of gratitude. Join New York Times bestselling author Ann Voskamp to create a rhythm of gratitude that permeates every area of your life, every day of the year.

Gifts and Gratitudes is a daily companion that urges you to savor every moment by recognizing and listing only three things you are grateful for each day. This life-altering practice will allow you to record and reflect upon more than one thousand gifts of blessing throughout the year. Multiple studies show that expression of gratitude helps:

  • Lower stress levels
  • Benefit relationships
  • Improve physical and mental health
  • Help deal with adversity
  • Support and improve mental health and overall wellbeing

Through the daily and healing practice of gratitude, you can discover a way of seeing that opens your eyes to ordinary amazing grace, a way of living that is fully alive, and a way of becoming present to God that brings deep and lasting joy. A perfect book to use on its own or as a thoughtful companion to One Thousand Gifts, Ann's bestselling book that takes readers on the transformative journey of chronicling God's gifts in their lives. This unique format allows you to express your own gratitude with three lines per day for you to reflect on the day's unique blessings. You'll then move to the next day, and at the end of the month, return to the beginning, the first day of the month.

In this beautiful journal, Ann provides:

  • Devotional content for every day of the month to guide your gratitude journey
  • Prayers for every day of the month
  • Written out Bible verses
  • Her personal, stunning photography
  • Space to record your gifts every day of the year

It's only in the expression of gratitude for the life we already have, we discover the life we've always wanted...a life we can take, give thanks for, and offer others. Come to feel and know the impossible right down in your bones: you are wildly loved by God and showered with His gifts.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781400249954
    • Manufacturer: Thomas Nelson Pub
    • ISBN 13: 9781400249954
    • Publication Date: 10/22/2024
    • Format: Hardcover
    • Author: Ann Voskamp

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