La iglesia útil se refiere a los seguidores obedientes de Jesucristo que deciden voluntariamente apartarse de lo que ofende el corazón de Dios: el pecado. Para conseguirlo requerimos tener claro el mensaje de Jesucristo, vivirlo en carne propia para no caer en el engaño de Caín.
The Useful Church
"The " useful church is the one that shines in a world in darkness. It is the kingdom of heaven among us. She is holy in a corrupt and depraved world. She is the one who perseveres in her salvation. It is not made in the image of the world, but has been founded by the Lord with values opposed to those of the world. The useful church is the extended arm of God, lavishing love, mercy and justice. " Efraín Ocampo.