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The Bumpy Road to Better

Unlocking the Hidden Power in Hard Things
  • By Tim Timberlake
Product Description

Life is not easy, but it's more difficult when we just put our head down, ignore everything and everyone around us, and try to push through till we get to the other side. Identifying the reasons we don't ask for help is the first step toward making real change and experiencing all that God has for us.

In The Bumpy Road to Better bestselling author and senior pastor of Celebration Church, Tim Timberlake, confronts head-on the human tendency to dodge the difficult and hide from the hard. He explains how an obsession with quick fixes, instant gratification, and a trouble-free existence holds us back from gaining wisdom and experiencing transformation. There is great power hidden in the things we are trying to avoid.

The road to growth and greatness is rarely smooth or easy, but it's taking us where we need to go. Tim takes a practical approach to the topic by unpacking thirty unique "hard things" that everyone must face and opening our eyes to the positive results they can bring. With his characteristic blend of storytelling, biblical principles, and down-to-earth applications, Tim walks readers through the intricacies of each of these challenging realities, including

  • difficult conversations,
  • uncomfortable delays,
  • hurtful criticism, and
  • painful sacrifices.

The goal is not to simply grit our teeth and survive the discomfort. It's to embrace the challenges, be changed by them, and receive the gifts they offer. What we really want in life is usually found on the other side of obstacles we'd rather avoid. On the other side of pain is progress, and on the other side of bumps is something better. If we're going to live freely in Christ and experience the abundant life He promises, we must be willing to be uncomfortable. There is no other way.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781400346035
    • Manufacturer: Thomas Nelson Pub
    • ISBN 13: 9781400346035
    • Publication Date: 09/02/2025
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Tim Timberlake

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