The Leaven of Laughter provides hundreds of humorous quotes and anecdotes to be found at a moment's notice. The material is prearranged according to 44 themes intrinsic to the Lenten and Easter Seasons and will provide the particular nuance or insight needed in a sermon, lesson plan or article.
The book bears testimony that one of the best tools to "keep the saints awake" is the thoughtful use of humor. Time and again I have seen an appropriate humorous remark refocus and energize a congregation. I have also seen the power of humor: Puncture human pompousness and pride Combat hypocrisy Expose ignorance and bad decisions Enable the audience to psycologically identify with the speaker Diffuse explosive situations and help resolve conflicts Build bridges of understanding and communication Release us from the crushing seriousness of life Increase concentration and listening capacity Heal broken spirits Reduce our fears Open us up to hear and accept new ideas Capture attention of children and youth