This is the Music/Movement Station. God's call turned Paul from a persecutor of Christians to a follower of Jesus. God calls each of us to be followers of Jesus.Scripture: Acts 9:1-30
Children will hear the story of Paul's experience with Christ on the Damascus Road in a variety of ways so that they might discover and recognize that:
- Paul persecuted the followers of Jesus.
- While traveling to Damascus, Paul encountered the risen Jesus and was blinded.
- Ananias, a man from Damascus who was a follower of Jesus, healed Paul and baptized him.
- Now, rather that persecuting the followers of Jesus, Paul became one.
- God turned Paul's life around and set him off in a new direction.
- As a follower of Jesus, Paul began to preach and teach about Jesus.
- God's love helps us to change when needed and become better.
- Sometimes when we follow Jesus, we are called to do difficult things.
- God will always be there during those times to help us.