Music album download for the PowerXpress Calling Disciples unit, especially the music and movement station (9781426780851).
Main IdeaLong ago Jesus called people to be his followers, to learn from him and to teach others. Jesus calls us today to witness to the good news that Jesus brought and to share Jesus' story with others.
Unit DescriptionLong ago Jesus called people to be his disciples, to learn from him and to teach others. Jesus calls us today to witness to the good news that he brought and to share Jesus' story with others.
Scripture: Mark 1:17-18
ObjectivesBy the end of this unit children will:
discover the first disciples that Jesus called were ordinary fishermen;
discover Jesus calls people today to follow and be disciples;
experience ways we can follow Jesus;
discover Jesus calls people who are less than perfect to be his disciples;
experience the story of Jesus calling the first disciples;
discover different ways of sharing Jesus' story with others.