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Placebo - eBook [ePub]

A Jevin Banks Novel
  • By Steven James
Product Description
While covertly investigating a controversial neurological research program, expose filmmaker Jevin Banks is drawn into a far-reaching conspiracy involving one of the world's largest pharmaceutical firms. After giving up his career as an escape artist and illusionist in the wake of his wife and sons' tragic death, Jevin is seeking not only answers about the questionable mind-to-mind communication program, but also answers to why his family suffered as they did.
Rooted in ground-breaking science and inspired by actual research, "Placebo" explores the far reaches of science, consciousness, and faith. Readers will love this taut, intelligent, and emotionally gripping new thriller from master storyteller Steven James.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781441240088
    • Manufacturer: Baker Book House
    • ISBN 13: 9781441240088
    • Publication Date: 11/01/2012
    • Format: Electronic Media
    • Author: Steven James

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