Hannah teaches how to overcome ridicule hurdled at her continuously-waiting for the impossible, when all you see is darkness; leaving a legacy for the next generation; barren places in our lives that pierce the soul like thorns. How do you raise a godly child? By making prayer a main priority. How can you face rejection in the home, in society, and at church? What questions should you consider before marriage? When God does not answer, do you ask for wisdom? These are things to ponder while praying.
We have so much turmoil as Satan tries to destroy our lives. Satan wants to leave Hannah like the man that fell among thieves, wounded and unable to help himself. But she calls upon her God to save her. She finds strength to carry on through all the schemes of Satan and others to bring her down. Hannah becomes a courageous woman, and we can too. Her life, like the rose, opens up more and more to reveal the characteristics of the God that she has learned to love and trust. Full of God's love, her life still blesses ours today.