As the Snack-It Café leader, you'll help kids make snacks to share with their friends--snacks that reinforce the day's Bible Point! Your FaithWeaver Friends® director will give you details about how many groups of kids you'll see and when they'll rotate through your Discovery Center. Our easy-to-follow See-It Do-It™ look makes being a Snack-It Cafe leader a joy rather than a stress. Each activity takes no more than four steps, and kids create their own treats! At Snack-It Café, kids will enjoy making and eating yummy snacks that reinforce the Bible Point. They’ll connect sight, smell, touch, sound, and (most important!) taste with Bible lessons. For elementary-age children, Snack-It Café is also often a service opportunity. Elementary-age Circles of Friends often make snacks and leave them for the next Circles that rotate through the Café. Preschoolers aren’t quite ready to leave behind their snacks, so they’ll eat theirs right away. The first group of elementary-age Friends to visit the Snack-It Cafe gets a real character-building opportunity: They’ll make snacks and then leave without eating anything at all. But don’t worry—these kids will rotate back through later and find tasty snacks waiting for them! Ready to cook up some fun? Welcome to the Snack-It Cafe! One is included in each Elementary Kit and Preschool Kit.