The I AM NUMBER 8 Study Guide is an interactive companion "playbook"to accompany Pastor John Gray's I AM NUMBER 8. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 11.0px Helvetica} Think of this interactive companion "playbook" to I AM NUMBER 8 as a notebook used by athletic coaches that outlines strategies you personally need to live as a number 8. It will help you connect number 8 concepts to your social media community and church or ministry group. Knowing you are not alone on your number 8 journey makes the travel easier Each chapter introduces someone sharing the trials and triumphs of mastering number 8 concepts presented in the corresponding chapter of I AM NUMBER 8. The "Align Your Life" section of every chapter allows you to interact with the number 8 concepts, using activities, puzzles, surveys, role-playing, journaling, and social media. It all adds up to practical applications of the concepts learned in I AM NUMBER 8. Content-specific prayers help you seal your efforts.