Many, many books have been written on church worship by pastors, ministers, deacons, elders, evangelists, theologians and biblical scholars. This book is not one of them. It is written by an author who loves the Word of God and shares what he has learned from the viewpoint of a worshippers' reading and study of the scriptures. In a way, you could say that this book is "a view from the pew."Of more importance then is not who or what the author is, but who and what he is not. He is not a pastor, minister, deacon, elder, evangelist or theologian and, most importantly not a biblical scholar. He is simply a worshipper called to worship God in spirit and truth. As such, he writes from the perspective of a church worshiper who examines how he would be able to worship God in any imperfect church. Firmly believing that in order to do so, (in addition to hearing and learning from others) he must prayerfully study the Word of God for himself, and strongly encourages others to do likewise.