Aims to give the student of the Bible a guide to how each book of the Bible point to Christ. The Bible is one book, and you cannot take it in texts and expect to comprehend the message of divine revelation. You must see it in its completeness. God has taken pains to give a progressive revelation and we should take pains to read it from beginning to end. Reading little scraps can ever be compensation for doing deep and consecutive work on the Bible itself. We must get back to the Book and then we will not tolerate such work. Each book has a message, and we should endeavor to discover what that message is. Read until you discover the message of the book. For instance, in John it is easy to discover the purpose. It is stated in John 20:31. It is not always given clearly, but the truth may be found. The Old Testament is the covenant God made with people about their salvation before Christ came. The New Testament is the agreement God made with people about their salvation after Christ came. The Old Testament is an account of a nation (the Jewish nation). The New Testament is an account of a Man (the Son of man). The nation was founded and nurtured of God in order to bring the Man into the world (Genesis 12:1-3). God Himself became a man so that we might know what to think of when we think of God (John 1:14; John 14:9). The Old Testament sets the stage for it. The New Testament describes it.