Think outside the box. Basically, this means to think differently about a situation, either in problem solving or looking at something in a different light. In this book, the light, is the word of God. Anyone who is already divorced, or going through one now, knows disrupts and changes your life in a way that you never thought would happen. If you don't understand the whole truth of how God deals with divorce, then what He says in the Bible about divorce and remarriage will force you to carry the emotional baggage associated with divorce, such as guilt, embarrassment, and in a some cases the feeling like you are unable to remarry if adultery was not the cause of divorce. This type of teaching puts people in a box. Misunderstanding the original Hebrew and Greek words on this topic from Jesus' teachings, produces a lot of misconceptions and wrongful thinking. This book allows you to think outside the box, step into the light, and truly understand divorce from the very words of Jesus. The light will shine into the darkness of bondage that is created by the incorrect teaching on divorce and remarriage, and the truth will set you free "