Drama. Drama. Drama. Your family may be the stuff of a hit reality TV show, but into every family a little…or a lot… of drama must sometimes fall. That’s the way we humans have been from the very beginning. Take a look at the lives of Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, Jacob, and Esau in Jacob Armstrong’s newest book, God’s Messy Family. As you meet these “messy” families in the stories in Genesis, you’ll recognize a pattern to their lives: they are called, they mess up, and God continues to redeem them. Sound familiar? Find out how your “messy” family fits into God’s family and how you are part of God’s plan for the world. A DVD featuring Armstrong and a Leader Guide are also available for this six-week study.
Also available for your church is a helpful guide to small groups titled The Connected Life: Small Groups that Create Community (item 9781501843457).
The six-session DVD features Jacob Armstrong in his warm, engaging style guiding participants through the study. Each video segment is approximately 10–12 minutes in length and, when combined with the six book chapters, make an ideal six-week group study. All videos sessions are closed captioned.
Sessions include:
- The Myth of the Perfect Family
- Forever Young
- Pleading for our Family
- Great Loss in the Family
- The Center for Modern Family Dynamics
- The Beauty of Imperfection