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Motherhood Redeemed

One Woman's Journey from Radical Feminism to Joyful Motherhood
  • By Kimberly Cook
Product Description
The journey of popular podcaster Kimberly Cook was that of many directionless young women in recent decades. Unfortunately, her family fell away from the Catholic Church right before her critical high school years. Having been stripped of any healthy spiritual resources upon which to rely just when she needed them most, she quickly fell in with several outcasts, one of whom was a self-proclaimed "feminist." She had never really heard the term before, but "liked the anti-conformist confidence that her new friend exuded among the crowd of kids stepping over one another to fit in." In her words, "feminism opened a whole new world for me and led me down a twisted path that would eventually find me shrieking political rhetoric from stages across the country."

Happily, God intervened. Returning to the Church in her early twenties, she struggled to let go of the feminist ideals that had been engrained in her - especially the disdain for motherhood. "As much as I came to fully understand (in my head) that motherhood was a good and worthy vocation, I just couldn't get it into my heart." In fact, it took numerous years, but eventually, she came to embrace the vocation of marriage and motherhood and came to understand how very wrongheaded and destructive feminism is. Motherhood Redeemed is a book that challenges feminism in the modern world, with the remainder of the simple truth that all women are called to be mothers in one way or another

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781505116489
    • Manufacturer: Tan Books & Publ
    • ISBN 13: 9781505116489
    • Publication Date: 11/13/2020
    • Format: Hardcover
    • Author: Kimberly Cook

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