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Amish Voices

A Collection of Amish Writings
  • By Brad Igou
Product Description

Strong families. Caring communities. The nearly nine in ten youth who join the church. How do the Amish do it?
In Amish Voices, Amish writers share news and advice from their communities and reflect on their daily lives, work, and faith. Brad Igou, publisher of Amish Country News, gives readers a behind-the-scenes tour of Amish life by compiling writing from Family Life, a popular monthly magazine that thousands of Amish people read. Learn about how the Amish began and what they value. Hear what they think about technology, happiness, community, obedience, success, and change. Listen in as they discuss shunning and rumspringa and forgiveness. Find out what sustains them in difficult seasons, and how they try to trust God in all things.
Why learn about the Amish from outsiders when you can learn from the Amish themselves? And why just learn about them when you can learn from them?

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781513805849
    • Manufacturer: Herald Pr
    • ISBN 13: 9781513805849
    • Publication Date: 06/25/2019
    • Format: Hardcover
    • Author: Brad Igou

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