This book is intended to assist the reader in a journey toward a greater understanding of God. Regardless of one's age or situation in life, we all need to know God more intimately and find ways to connect. This book will be just one of the many resources available to assist in this journey. Questions about the nature of God and the many traditions followed in the Christian Church are more easily discerned with this book's clear and concise approach to the nature of God. Who is God, and why do we hear about the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? How can we share God with others? And how can my life become more fulfilling and purposeful in my surroundings? The God Who Knows You is a result of many life lessons learned, and many mistakes as well. Life is our best teacher and as we progress through this life each moment and each relationship is opportunity to learn. The Bible is a book filled with examples of the many people who have lived and learned. This book will draw from the many examples that fill the centuries of existence humanity has logged. Throughout this book the reader will be blessed with opportunity to grow in knowledge, as well as, experience the life giving touch of God's Spirit. This information is based on a combination of academic and practical experience so it will be easily digestible to each reader. With a simple approach based on the Biblical message, what it means and what it prescribes for our daily living, this book will prepare the reader for the next step in the faith journey.