In response to a contemporary cultural situation in which human dignity is gravely threatened, Christian Friendship proposes a recovery of friendship as new way of re-establishing the interpersonal communion that characterizes the human person created in the image of God. The author seeks to recover a genuine understanding of friendship by exploring ancient philosophy and the Catholic theological tradition. By examining the writings of Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Augustine, Anselm, and others, Christian Friendship proposes a new way for Catholics to address the cultural issues besetting the Christian community today. ""John Bequette's Christian Friendship: Engaging the Tradition, Transforming the Culture makes an important contribution to our understanding of friendship as the crowning achievement of human culture. In doing so, the author traces over the course of four historical periods the concept of relationality as something inherent to our design as rational beings created in the image and likeness of God. This book really is a must-read for those seeking to understand how the philosophical and theological anthropology of interpersonal communion is transformative of culture and increases human flourishing."" --Sebastian Mahfood, Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies, Vice-President of External Affairs, Holy Apostles ""This exposition of Christian friendship is a must read for anyone who cares about transforming our culture Infected with consumerism, restlessness, and disconnectedness, we tend to use everything, including other people, as a mere means. An essential part of any remedy will involve recovering true friendship, especially Christian friendship, built on loving others for their own sakes. Dr. Bequette eloquently articulates the character of genuine friendship and exhorts us to live it wholeheartedly."" Benjamin J. Brown, Professor of Theological Studies. Lourdes University John P. Bequette is Professor of Theology at the University of Saint Francis in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He has published several books and numerous articles. His most recent publication is an edited volume Companion to Medieval Christian Humanism (2016).