Meister Eckhart, a now-popular medieval German mystic, provides the contemporary person with a way of living that centers on nothing but God in everyday life. He insists that everyone--whatever they have done, whatever they believe--is one with God. Because of this, the good Meister sees no opposition between our spiritual and daily lives. We access oneness with God through letting go. Bliss and freedom flow from giving birth to this divine oneness right where we are. This book intends to help us live this everyday mysticism by prayer and letting go. Meister Eckhart invites all of us to realize our divine oneness in the midst of raising a family, commuting, doing our jobs, cooking, cleaning, and scheduling. Meister Eckhart preaches that God is one with every one of us in our everyday lives. ""Finding God in a complex world can be overwhelming at times. In this beautifully written book, L. J. Milone illuminates the wisdom of the Dominican mystic Meister Eckhart, whose brilliant insights transform our operative assumptions about God into a mystery of divine presence entangled in our everyday lives. This book is an excellent introduction to Eckhart's notion of God's deep presence, assuring us that wherever we are or whatever we are doing, we are not alone."" --Ilia Delio, OSF, Connelly Chair in Theology, Villanova University L. J. Milone is the director of faith formation at St. John the Bapist Catholic Church in Silver Spring, Maryland. He lives in Columbia, Maryland, with his wife, Jessica, and four children, Amelia, Therese, Rachel, and Joseph.