What would happen if we took the kingdom back by force before it got its grip on our young people?
Thin about it.
Language acquisition begins in the third trimester of the womb. Studies have suggested the same words or sounds heard from the womb are embedded in the memory and activated in the baby's memory when recited again after birth We sing songs and recite words to our babies in vitro, and early childhood, to teach them our language.
Samuel was in the temple from infancy and was well versed in the heavenly kingdom language, Moses was in Pharaoh's household from infancy and was well versed in their Egyptian kingdom language, and many children have affinities to certain songs or words that were shared with them from infancy because it is familiar to them.
Can you imagine what could happen if we began teaching our babies to speak our kingdom language for themselves during their first years?
I Am What God Says I Am will give you the opportunity to use story times to simultaneously stimulate your child's intellect and spirit using the very word of God It is the first of several tools to be developed that can grow with your children while reminding them of who they are