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La Iglesia

El Evangelio Visible
Product Description
Los cristianos tienen muchas preguntas pr cticas cuando se trata de la vida en la iglesia local: C mo se muestra el evangelio en nuestras vidas? Qu se supone que debemos hacer y creer? Diferentes seguidores responden de manera diferente, incluso cuando predican el mismo evangelio Qu debemos pensar de tales diferencias? La vida de una iglesia, la doctrina, el culto e incluso su forma de manejarse son cuestiones importantes. Sin embargo, rara vez se abordan. La Iglesia es el manual de Mark Dever sobre la iglesia para todos los que ven las Escrituras como la nica autoridad suficiente para la doctrina y la vida de la iglesia local. Dever explica al lector lo que dice la Biblia sobre la naturaleza y el prop sito de la iglesia: qu es, para qu sirve, qu es lo que hace. De hecho, las Escrituras nos ense an sobre toda la vida y la doctrina de la iglesia, incluso c mo debemos reunirnos para la adoraci n corporativa y c mo debemos organizar nuestra vida corporativa en conjunto. Dios se ha revelado a s mismo a trav s de su Palabra. l nos habla, nos prepara para representarlo hoy y para verlo ma ana. Una congregaci n de miembros regenerados, que cumplen con las responsabilidades que Cristo mismo nos confiri en su Palabra, reuni ndose regularmente, liderada por un cuerpo de ancianos guiados por Dios, es la imagen que l nos ha dado de su iglesia en su Palabra.

Christians have lots of practical questions when it comes to life in the local church: How is the gospel displayed in our lives together? What are we supposed to do and believe? Different followers answer differently--even as they preach the same gospel What should we think about such differences? A church's life, doctrine, worship, and even polity are important issues. Yet they are so rarely addressed. The Church is Mark Dever's primer on the church for all who see Scripture alone as a sufficient authority for the doctrine and life of the local church. He explains to the reader what the Bible says about the nature and purpose of the church-- what it is, what it's for, what it does. Indeed, Scripture teaches us about all of the life and doctrine of the church, including how we should assemble for corporate worship and how we're to organize our corporate life together. God has revealed himself through his Word. He is speaking to us, preparing us to represent Him today, and to see Him tomorrow A congregation of regenerate members, fulfilling the responsibilities given to us by Christ Himself in His Word, regularly meeting together, led by a body of godly elders, is the picture God has given us of His church in His Word.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781535984300
    • Manufacturer: B&H ESPANOL
    • ISBN 13: 9781535984300
    • Publication Date: 03/01/2020
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Mark Dever
    • Width: 1.00 inches
    • Height: 1.00 inches
    • Length: 1.00 inches
    • Weight: 0.06 pounds

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