Angela Martin is a certified Life Transformation Coach with an Associates' degree in ministry whose passion is to see individuals find their purpose, live with intention, discover their identity "in Christ" and walk in victory. She attends and serves at Redemption to the Nations Church in Chattanooga, TN. You can visit her website at Ms. Martin's goals and dreams were shattered as a teenager when she became pregnant at the age of sixteen and married her high school sweetheart who turned out to be an alcoholic and drug addict. She also had many of her own demons to overcome. For many years, Ms. Martin lived a quiet life of desperation and addiction running from emotional pain, shame, and guilt. She made terrible decisions that put her life in danger. She was on a path of self-destruction and headed straight to hell. Inside there are many personal examples of how the enemy seeks to control our mind, will, and emotions. She will also explain how Satan transforms himself as an angel of light to conquer and destroy us by using our unresolved pain to gain control over our conscious and subconscious minds. We have the power with the Word of God to shield ourselves from the enemy's attacks, to walk in victory, to have the peace of God that is rightfully ours, and to go from complete despair to overwhelming joy. Ms. Martin desires to share her personal story of transformation in obedience to God to fulfill her purpose by helping others be overcomers and world changers. When you know the truth, it will set you free. You can enjoy the abundant life that Jesus died on the cross to give you. To your freedom...