You are invited to examine Church Administration God's Way because it is a church administration and leadership book that provides a direct correlation between what is needed administratively, what the Bible says we should be doing, and why we should be doing it. Until we have achieved the unity and maturity described in Ephesians 4:12-13, we need to continue to do His work and build up the Church, the Body of Christ. This book is designed to assist you in meeting that mandate. I hope it is a blessing to you, your ministry, and your ministry team.
Bishop Donna G. Warren is especially gifted in the areas of Administration and Leadership Development. For the past 30 years she has worked with churches of varying sizes including one with over 10,000 members to assist them in meeting their administrative and planning needs. After working for the Federal Government for over 40 years, she retired to Richmond, VA. She is now president of DGW Consulting Group that not only works with churches and non-profits on their administrative needs, but she also consults with aviation-related organizations in meeting their environmental requirements in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).