Much contemporary Christian teaching focuses upon the present benefits of a life consecrated to the service of Jesus. However, less attention has been paid to the relationship between present living and the future enjoyment of eternity with God. Investing in Eternity offers a thorough biblical and theological basis for what is known as the doctrine of degrees of reward in eternity. Rightly understood, this ancient but eminently relevant teaching of the Scriptures serves as a means of greater motivation in the Christian life.
This book is intended not only for the general Christian public, but also for those who desire a more rigorous exegetical and theological treatment of the subject than is currently available. Specifically, this book will be an asset to a Christian who is struggling to understand the value of his service for Jesus in eternity and the pastor or instructor of higher education who wishes to clarify his own understanding of this doctrine.
Since 2009 Dr. Bozung has served as Teaching Pastor at Christian Fellowship Church in New Holland, PA. He also serves as adjunct professor of Bible and Theology at Lancaster Bible College, Lancaster, PA. Besides the present volume, Dr. Bozung is the author of Making Sense of God's Plan for Humanity: An Easy to Understand Guide to Dispensationalism (Dispensational Publishing House, 2017) as well as numerous peer-reviewed articles and book reviews.
Dr. Bozung has a PhD (2008) from Baptist Bible Seminary, Clarks Summit, PA, a ThM (1987) from Dallas Theological Seminary, and a BS (1979) from Penn State University.