It has taken me many years to finally put my thoughts and prayers into writing this
book. My purpose in writing is to warn the reader about the dangers of pornography.
It is like any other addiction and will escalate as the time goes on. It ruined our
family. It is a dangerous drug....STAY AWAY
I am hoping that if you have been the victim of this addiction, as I was, that you will
not feel the shame that I felt for so many years, as the wife of a sexual addict. I
blamed myself for way too long that I wasn't enough for my husband. It was never
about me, but the addiction that led him down a downward path.
This is my story and how God took
our family through the storm in our lives.
If you would like to contact me, I am here to listen and encourage you as you walk
through this difficult season. I will suggest resources where you will be able to learn
and deal with pornography.