Based on the true story of two sisters, six-year-old Claire
and five-year-old Kathryn, who both enter heaven. Only
one of them returns. Claire goes to heaven and comes
back with stories of speaking with Jesus about His deepest
desires and having a tea party with her Granny Charlotte,
whom she had not seen since she was one-year-old. After
Claire returns to tell of the glorious things she has seen and heard in heaven, her younger sister, Kathryn, begins a conversation with God
expressing her longing to enter heaven. When God replies to Kathryn, "The
gates are open. You're free to come in any time," the wheels of life are set in
motion to give Kathryn the desires of her heart. Without knowing Kathryn's
aim to NOT return, Kathryn's parents must now go through their own spiritual
journey of believing, trusting, and letting go. Through these pages, you, too,
will discover the awe-inspiring triumph on the other side of Kathryn's crossing.
It's a story that makes a deposit deep in the heart and keeps accruing long after
the last pages are turned.