Is the Old Testament still relevant for today? Yes, but many Christians find the Old Testament too confusing to be applicable to the situations they face day to day. Rooted in a history that the average Christian doesn't understand, filled with commands that are no longer practiced, and, seemingly, often very "negative" in its tone, many followers of Christ start out trying to read this important part of the Bible but give up before making it very far.
YES...the Old Testament CAN Make Sense to You, provides the reader of the Old Testament with three storylines that are woven throughout its pages. These three storylines will provide a framework by which one can hear God's primary message and purpose. Although without study or detailed background information there will always be much within the Old Testament that will be unclear, you can still hear God's message behind it all if you are aware of His purpose in giving us this Testament.
God does not change. The God who speaks to us in the New Testament is also speaking to us in the Old Testament. You can learn to listen to Him with the help of these storylines.