Abortion, LGBTQ and gender issues are hot topics affecting millions today. Many say Christians are judgmental, uncaring, not authentic, and even hateful when relating to these groups and individuals. This book gives glimpses of grace and mercy to challenge all people to love well with truth and realness remembering and sharing the greatness of love and acceptance and forgiveness Christ offers to all.
The greatest treasure on earth is Jesus Christ. He is the answer and remedy for sin but so much more. Knowing Christ is an unending treasure that we are privileged to share and want for everyone. Are you willing?
Deborah and Richard are college sweethearts, now married almost 40 years. They are parents of two awesome sons and daughters-in-law and are thrilled to be grandparents. They love God's Word, sharing Jesus, mentoring, time with family and friends, traveling, hiking and sports. Deborah's first book is The Elephant Gospel. We invite you to visit us @ www.theelephantgospel.com
Sophia Asah is a joyful woman who loves to hike, travel, pray with friends, and create. She is a wife, mama, an entrepreneur and an over comer. Her experiences with drug addiction and homosexuality have been written in this book to inspire the reader to seek after freedom, wholeness, and discover the love of Jesus.