Many people have wondered, what is Heaven's really like, and is there really a Hell? This book is designed to answer those question and also to give you (The Reader), not just an answer but shocking details that will leave you not only speechless but gasping for air as you delve into these accounts of what to expect or not.
It will take you from the enthralling beauty of Heaven, through the exciting journey to Heaven. It will not only keep you on the edge of your seat, but will almost deny you to put it down There is so much information about the subject, It's mind blowing. This information, although very intriguing has been thoroughly researched and will stand-up to much of the Controversies you will entertain.
The book is full of Bible scriptures, for your references.There are so many writings on Heaven, and very few on Hell but not many, if any on the both of them.
I'm fully convinced that people tend to avoid teachings on this subject for fear of offending myriads of folks. I would be doing people a grave disservice if I fail to enlightened some and warn others of the truth about Heaven and Hell. The controversies verses the truth and the consequences.
The information on Hell is hot
I'm Dr. Bobby L Smith:
I've been in the ministry for close to 50 years. I worked as a traveling evangelist, pastor, Christian school administrator an many other positions in the body of Christ. I was married to the late Sylvia E. Smith who prior to her transition to be with the Lord tried to encourage me to write a book, but I didn't think that was my calling, and I procrastinated. Unfortunately at that time I was looking at the wrong person (myself), but afterward the Holy Spirit inspired me to write on this controversial subject and felt led to such out answers to questions many people are confused about. I read some truly inspiring books on Heaven. One from Rand Alcorn, Heaven is Real by Todd Burpo and others.