Upon entering her teenage years, Mary's life consists of the activities, hopes, and dreams of most girls growing up in Nazareth. A faithful daughter and a humble friend accustomed to her everyday life of planting chickpea seeds and helping her mother cook lentil soup, Mary considers her life pleasantly ordinary. However, with a visitation from an angel, all of her expectations begin to unravel as she becomes a chosen servant of the Lord.
With a past shrouded in mystery and wonder, Mary comes to life in this profound story of the young girl who would one day become the mother of the Savior of the world. Accompanied by her soon-to-be husband, Joseph, Mary experiences the unique challenges and bountiful blessings of preparing to raise the Son of God. Along the way, Mary must grab hold of God's gift of faith as she faces motherhood, daily obstacles, and a future beyond what she could have ever planned.
Within this Scripture-based novel, author Delores Winegar weaves together the flannel graph pictures of her childhood, intertwining biblical truths, historical facts, and archeological discoveries around the story of Mary to allow the people surrounding Jesus's life to become the real people they were--just like you. Inspired by a trip to Israel, where the modern country reveals the same hills, mountains, and Sea of Galilee in which the characters of the Bible called home--and changed the world--Mary, the Lord's Servant is a powerful account imagined from the birthplace of Mary's God-given calling.
Join Mary on a journey of self-discovery, divine revelation, and the joys and adventures of an anything-but-ordinary life as she becomes the woman God used to alter the course of history as His faithful servant.